Loan calculator is your financial assistant to pay off loans in a way that is beneficial to you. The loan calculator will help quickly plan a convenient monthly payment schedule. While the banks promise good interest rates, the loan calculator will indicate where you are definitely not overpaying. In search of a bank with favourable conditions? By knowing the loan amount, term and monthly installment in the Loan Calculator app, you will get the real interest rate and compare different loan offer. Thus, you can select a loan program that suits your payment capability.Already have a loan? Stay financially smart. Be aware of how much you still owe and how long you still have to pay off. The key to a good credit history is knowing your interest overpayment, commission and options for a capital payment.Loan Calculator is a straightforward. Its easy to keep track of your payments on your phone. The whole process takes less than a minute. You get a printed installment schedule from the bank, enter your details and press the "calculate" button. For the calculation you will need the following: date of first payment, loan sum, loan payment term and the banks interest rate. Thats all the info you need for a convenient and precise installment schedule. Save the results and take a look whenever you need to! No need for the printed version anymore. All your loan info is on your phone.Loan calculator advantages:- reassessment in case of capital payment;- choice between simple and compound interest;- overpayment amount;- creates unlimited number of installment schedules;Download the Loan Calculator app and always stay on top of your financial obligations.